Wednesday, October 26, 2022

With New Covid Variants Expected, Judges Should Consider Response to New Mask Mandates

 As I am now retired I feel I can share a couple of personal experiences during my last few months on the bench related to Supreme Court-ordered mask mandates.  In 2 separate jury trials on the first day of jury selection, jurors entered the courthouse unmasked despite signs everywhere that masks were required.  In each case the prospective juror told bailiffs in the hallway that they would not wear a mask.  I instructed the bailiff that they should put on a mask and enter the courtroom for me to address them.  Each juror still refused to wear a mask.  They entered the courtroom unmasked and each told me they would not wear a mask.  Neither chose to give me a medical, scientific or political reason.  One I simply excused.  The other was told to come back the next morning after consulting an attorney to tell me why they should not be held in contempt of court.  This juror came back with a lengthy letter from his physician explaining his various medical problems which justify no mask wearing.  Despite being clearly bogus, the juror was excused.  I concluded that the entire trial would be at risk having such a combative person on the jury.

Judges may want to consider their various responses to belligerent jurors if mandates such as in 2020-21 return.  I wish you luck.

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