Thursday, October 3, 2024

Recent Report Surveying Jurors' Experiences Not Surprising

 Over the years I have frequently posted about frustrations that jurors have with their experience with the judicial system, while generally appreciating the opportunity to serve.  The Truth in Justice Project recently released a report based on multiple focus groups of jurors with diverse backgrounds and affiliations.  Not surprisingly they complained of:

inefficiencies: long waits between times in the courtroom (hear that lawyers?)

financial burden of long trials: I have harped on this for years; at one time Minnesota decreased the daily juror compensation.  Jury duty should not send citizens to the brink of bankruptcy.

disrespect for their time commitment: lawyers and judges need to be aware that they should conduct their lengthy conferences and settlement negotiations other than when jurors are cooling their heels in an often-stuffy jury room.

confusion over legal concepts: plain language is need in jury instructions and lawyers should try to agree on explanations to be given for complex legal terminology

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