Thursday, February 13, 2025

Raising Juror Compensation May Increase Participation

 The National Center for State Courts issued a 2022 report on jury compensation in the 50 states, the average being $16 for the first day of jury duty.  Some states are as low as less than $10, as high as $50 in North Dakota.  Many jurisdictions have high rates of failure to appear for jury duty.  It is not surprising that jurors complain that jury duty is a substantial financial drain.  Yet legislators continue to disrespect jurors by not substantially raising daily juror fees.  Many potential jurors do not get paid by their employer while on jury duty.  A few states increased their juror compensation after the NCSC report, however one state I am familiar with pays a mere $9 for the first day.  Frankly ridiculous! 

While serving on a jury is a citizen's duty, it should not render them unable to pay their rent or other household expenses.  During jury selection many jurors asked to be excused for precisely this reason.  Wake up court administrators: go to your state leaders and seek increases in juror pay.

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